Banks Electric Company located at 2840 Chicago Ave in Minneapolis, MN is a full-service union electrical contractor offering electrical services to both the commercial and residential sectors. Our electricians are experienced, knowledgeable, and licensed through the State of Minnesota. We encourage a culture of safety and safe work practices. Banks Electric Company is determined to succeed and give you the best customer service experience possible.
Experienced Work Force
We are highly skilled individuals that collectively have over 35 plus years of experience in the Electrical Industry. We have the highest skilled and reliable labor force pools of which to draw from signatory to Local Union 292 and Local Union 110 electrical workers. Our company can staff commercial and residential construction projects of various sizes. Banks Electric Company’s team completes projects on time and within budget.

Energy-Efficient Power Solutions
Banks Electric Corporation is licensed, bonded, and insured for both commercial and residential. We offer the following services: